Scrive Jonah Goldberg, area neocon, che i democratici americani assomigliano sempre piu agli europei, come se non bastassero i canadesi. Lo spunto arriva da uno studio del People Center:

According to the Pew Center, the less you like to fly the American flag, the more likely it is you are Democrat. The more you think hard work and personal initiative aren[base ‘]t the ticket to the good life, the more likely you are to be a Democrat. The more you believe the United Nations is a better steward of international relations, while America is a negative actor on the world stage, the more likely you are to be a Democrat. The more you believe that the government is there to help, the more likely it is you are Democrat. The less seriously you take religion, the more likely you are to be a Democrat.

Secondo lui gli europei sono tipi strani, cinici, che credono in una versione assistenzialistica di welfare state e dove le chiese potrebbero essere usate come nascondiglio per i ladri di banche poiche sono sempre vuote.

National Review - People Center