Consiglio ai nostri uomini politici: invece di dire che l’aria è irrespirabile, leggete integralmente il discorso di David Cameron a Toothing. Magari imparate qualcosa (poi comiziare è una cosa e governare è un’altra, si sa…):

It’s the twenty-first century. It’s the age of “people know best.” Parents know best what works for their kids. Doctors and nurses know best how to improve the NHS and give patients great healthcare. Residents know best how to make their neighbourhoods better places to live. We’re living in an age where people want to control their government, not have their government control them. Every day in countless ways, people are getting together to work out new solutions to old problems. They’re getting together online, in community groups, in their workplaces, as friends and neighbours and collaborators. They want and need a government that’s on their side, that trusts them, that positively wants to put power and control in their hands.
