** C’e un buon capo di governo a Londra
** Tony Blair si conferma serio statista e - in un’ intervista al Financial Times - avverte la Francia che una contrapposizione Usa-Europa sarebbe dannosa:

Some want a so-called multi-polar world where you have different centres of power, and I believe that that will very quickly develop into rival centres of power. And others believe, and this is my notion of this, that we need one polar power but which encompasses a strategic partnership between Europe and America and other countries too - Russia, China - where we are trying to ensure that we develop as I say a common global agenda. Because I think the danger of rival poles of power is that you end up reawakening some of the problems that we had in the old cold war with countries playing different centres of power off against each other, with countries who really should be together falling out over issues, and that destabilises the world.

Domenica intanto si parlava di

lui anche sull’Observer. Financial Times - The Observer