Chi cerca letture poco impegnative per questi giorni d’estate può trovare più di una risorsa nella Rete. Così ecco il primo capitolo del nuovo (…) libro della mamma di Bridget Jones, «Olivia Joules and the Overactive Imagination», e un delicato racconto di Zadie Smith uscito sul New Yorker. Che comincia così:

If you are brown and decide to date a British man, sooner or later he will present you with a Paul Gauguin. This may come in postcard form or as a valentine, as a framed print for your birthday or repeated many times across wrapping paper, but it will come, and it will always be a painting from Gauguin?s Tahitian period, 1891-1903. Chances are nudity will be involved, also some large spherical fruit. This has happened to me three times with three different men, but on only one occasion did the color of my skin appear to push us out into the South Seas themselves. I say my skin, but, as with any passion, this was a generalized one.

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