Sono i giorni della convention repubblicana a New York. Oggi parleranno la First Lady e il grande governatore della California, Arnold Schwarzenegger. Noiosa quanto basta l’intervista a Laura Bush uscita su Time (si salva solo quando ricorda che non i libri contro suo marito, ma quelli di Harry Potter sono i veri primi della classifica). Grandioso l’editoriale del (filo-Bush) NY Post, che vede la «mano invisibile» anche a Gotham City:

Some may wonder what the Republicans are doing here. After all, New York is hardly fertile GOP territory: In 2000, Al Gore carried Gotham with 78 percent of the vote. A new poll suggests that 70 percent of New Yorkers disapprove of the job Bush is doing. But Republicans didn’t choose New York to harvest votes. Rather, they came to show their faith in the city, and solidarity with it in the wake of 9/11. And though the protesters and those grumbling over traffic and security hassles will garner much attention, most New Yorkers appreciate the GOP’s presence ? even if only because of its expected financial boon: Yesterday the city’s Host Committee predicted the confab would generate more than $265 million in economic activity.

Gopconvention - Time - NYPost