(Come al solito potrei aver fatto casino con i link perché per questo tipo di post sto smanettando con un linguaggio diverso dal solito. E non mi sto riferendo all’italiano…).
- Scott Steinberg, autore di The Modern Parent’s Guide to Kids and Video Games, dopo Steven Berlin Johnson e Jane McGonigal, ci ripete quanto facciano bene i videogame a genitori e figli.
Moving, thinking, cooperating, helping, learning, empathizing, growing, seeing the world from other perspectives… video games can help kids and families do all these things and more.
I always ask myself, “Why do I do this job?” And the answer is: I want to show the best and worst face of humankind - Alvaro Ybarra Zavala.
- Si chiama Impress.js, è un framework sviluppato da Bartek Szopka - ispirandosi a Prezi - e fondamentalmente è un anti-powerpoint minimalista che funziona sul browser ed è pensato per i typoholic (via Beautiful Design).
One more thing… have you noticed it’s in 3D? Beat that, prezi ;)
- L’Economist - un po’ vago - sui pregi del doppio passaporto e, in sostanza, delle cittadinanze multiple.
The old notion of one-man, one-state citizenship looks outdated: more than 200m people now live and work outside the countries in which they were born—but still wish to travel home, or marry or invest there.
- Da History Shots un graficone delle crisi finanziarie fino al 2010 (per quella attuale era finito lo spazio…).
The old notion of one-man, one-state citizenship looks outdated: more than 200m people now live and work outside the countries in which they were born—but still wish to travel home, or marry or invest there.
«That was excellent. We should do that once a week!»