Usa Today sta facendo commentare ad un opinionista non democratico, la convention dei Democratici. La scelta inizialmente era caduta sulla corrosiva Ann Coulter, che è stata allontanata già dal primo articolo. A scrivere è così Jonah Goldberg, che ha preso subito in giro - qualche giorno fa - alcuni passaggi delle opinioni di Bill Clinton:
«The Republicans in Washington believe that America should be run by the right people their people,» Bill Clinton declared to thunderous applause here Monday night. Rarely has a more banal statement been offered with such an air of truth-telling bravado. Here’s more news for you: Catholics believe that the Pope should be … Catholic! And, just in case the point is lost on you, Democrats in Washington believe that America should be run by wait for it Democrats! Of course, Clinton is a master of making the ludicrous sound profound when talking about himself and damning when talking about others.
USA Today